Saturday, October 13, 2007


Life is not about judge or being judge.Why do people always care about judging people.Are they already perfect themselves so they are given the priviledge to judge others?Eventhough they dont know them well?Is that fair?Call me resentful or whatever you like,but this is me.I might not be proud of me yet,but I feel comfy about me.I'd like to stay this way.For now...or forever...

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Thursday, October 11, 2007

AnOTheR FrEaKinG ThiNG...'s obvious,he's out of reach.At least for now.. But still...Well,you know what???I dont know!!!

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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

#1 CriMiNaL

How hard it is to accept someone the way they are.Why do I find it hard at times...There's sometimes something that comes from that person that bothes me but I found it hard to tell that person.Is that a crime?When it happens,what I need is some time off,although sometimes more.Is that a crime.Gosh,I think it already makes me a number one criminal...

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WoNdEr...JusT WonDeR...

It's lovely when everybody likes you.Although in fact,it's absolutely impossible to have everybody to love you as in fact you cannot please everybody at the same time.I'm actually happy today since I made all of my friends,who heard my jokes,laugh their a** off.While at times I fear that they might not like me anymore.Well,I've been dumped by some of ex friends for no reason at all.Thats why I'm scared at times...

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JaYWaLkiNg's FuN,iSn'T iT?

I walked across the street for times now and at some times I think I almost got hit by those cars...Yet I'm still survive.Although I promise to be more careful,but I break the promise yet again...Sometimes I think,what if I reall got hit at one time?Would that be scary?Well,I dont think I want to find out,though...Dont bother...

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DrEaM SeRiEs pt.2

I dreamed about someone that I'm in love discreetly with.He may be younger and not good looking at all,but his mind and way of thinking are so much wiser.Now,this kind of man is the one that can make me love him wholly,not parts.But,I dont know if it wasnt another unreachable love of mine.Well lets just see,shall we?

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Tuesday, October 09, 2007

PrOuD To Be A DrEaMeR

Okay,my blog might calle Just A Life,but I might start to write every dream that I had,course when I got the chance.I dont know why,but I just feel like it.So,like it or not,I'm gonna write it.Anyway,dreaming is part of life.You're not alive if you dont have a dream,and I'm proud to be a dreamer...

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Monday, October 08, 2007

DrEaM SeRiEs pt.1

This morning,or last night,I dont know,I dreamed about me getting a laptop...Gosh,I'm sure I really want to have it,but cannot afford it n no one wants to give it to me.I wonder when can I get it.I want it,I want it,I want it.Anybody wants to give it to me?Bet none,not for now anyway...Hope it's soon...Sooner than I hope.Haha!!!

Friday, October 05, 2007

Mr. Opportunist

I’ve wanting to write about this guy a lot. Mr. Opportunist. Let’s call him Mr. O (for Opportunist instead the other O).
I’ve known him from 2002. We were close back then, but not anymore. Why? Because I’m no longer that important in the group since I have more works to do outside the group (although it doesn’t mean that I left the group), so I spend less time there and no longer able to participate in all the activity or important events (only some of events that I can do now).
But why do I call him Mr. O?
It’s because he deserves it... He’s like the most opportunist person in the world. Based on my experience and observation, he’s only friend with those who’s got some kind of power, popularity and anything that he can use in order to get him that much attention he needs. When you lose them, then you lose him…
At first I wondered why he was some what bitter at me. Then I found out that he had new group of friends beside us, say that it’s group B. Later, group B told me that they’ve been left out by him for some reason and some time. He then hanged out with Group C which was later told me the same thing that happened with Group B, etc, etc.
From those situations, I noticed that all the groups have either one or more of these factors, power and popularity. He hangs out with one of the famous people rite now and forgets about us…

Full Moon pt. 2

(But today, I don’t actually know if it’s the real full moon or not)
The moon still shines bright actually; the moon seems so close you can jump to it…
I’m here sitting like crazy cuz I really want to sleep. Although today, I did nothing really… Haha… I’m a lazy b**** rite now.

September 26, 2007 (Full Moon pt. 1)

I walked out the house and guess what I saw? A full moon, which shone so bright, that’s what I saw. It was very bright, like the brightest that I’ve ever seen. Although in fact, I’ve seen the brighter ones before this one. But this, this one seemed so beautiful. Why? Because of you, dumb! The man who forwarded an unimportant (well, maybe it was important) forwarded text to me this morning. I assumed that you were thinking of me while you were sending the text. Gosh, I hate to admit, but I miss you every time I read your name in my phone list…
Don’t ask me what does the full moon got to do with you… I cannot answer that question really… HA!!! =P