“Love breaks your heart
Love takes no less than everything
Love makes it hard
And it fades away so easily”
Interesting line, isn't it? But, what is love and what is hate, for real? So many definitions floating around out there, scientifically or not. Here are some of them:
- Love usually refers to a deep, ineffable feeling of tenderly caring for another person
- Love is not a single feeling but an emotion built from two or more feelings.
Whoops! That’s interesting on the love definition. It says that love is not a single feeling but an emotion built from two or more feelings. Is it saying that love has to consists of two feelings at least? What feelings would that be? Which feelings should be combined together? Anger? Lust? Loneliness? Happiness? Hatred? Care? What?
I believe that everybody has their own definition about this feeling called love. From the one that make sense or something that doesn’t make sense at all.
What about mine? What about my own definition? I have some and I still hold on to this definition of mine. I don’t know if this makes sense or not, but, it’s just my own and I feel good about it.
“Love is unconditionally blind”
Why is it so? Face it, all this time, when people love someone, it’s hard for them to think clearly. They don’t really care about their differences, since they think they can handle any difference that may occur alongside their relationships. Differences are one factor that makes love beautiful. Differences are the art of loving. This kind of difference is only beautiful in terms of love. In other terms? Hell no! You don’t like having something, let’s say food, different from the one that you’ve ordered. You won’t stay long with a friend that has too many different interests with yours. But, you would be fine if somehow the one that you blindly love has too many differences. You’ve been hurt too many times by those differences, but you would say you’d be okay, because you love that person. How come people like to be hurt all the time? It’s simply because this thing called love. They cannot see that they’ve been hurt badly. They enjoy it… because it’s love that caused the mess. Love wins! Love can hurt all they want.
But, I also believe that
“Love doesn’t hurt”
Love doesn’t have to hurt to feel good, to be beautiful, to be enjoyable. Love meant to be something that can make us happy. Then why should you cry? Why should you cry because of love? Shouldn’t your love protect you from every kind of sadness? Shouldn’t love kiss all your tears away? Shouldn’t love protect your heart from being broken?
Well, if you unconditionally blinded by the love you have, don’t complain, you shouldn’t complain since you are blinded by it, you shouldn’t see anything goes wrong. Just enjoy all the fun and the hurt that you have alongside your relationship. But, remember that love doesn’t have to hurt. You don’t have to be a fool to play this love game and got hurt here and there without you knowing since you are blinded by it. You don’t have to worry; you have people around you who love you for just the way you are. They will sincerely guide you through that dark road of yours. Just take time to stop, look and listen and ask again to your heart. Do you really want to be hurt by loving someone… someone that doesn’t really care about you they prefer to hurt you in any way they can, in any way that you cannot see them hurting you,,, again, because you are blinded by love.
Love… love… love… I’ve been hurt, I’ve been ignored, I’ve been careless, and I’ve been invisible. But, I will move on, with this love that I got inside my heart and from all the people whom love me just the way I am. I will still give my love unconditionally because I know that love doesn’t really have to hurt anyone and I know it certainly make happy... I will make sure I’m there when love comes around and hope I’m not surprised when true love knock at my door.
Happy valentine everyone!
PS. I know you don’t know, or just don’t want to know or find out, that I love you, but I do. I will give this love I have to you unconditionally, for all my life; I will always be there for you, anytime. Here I am, blinded by my love to you. It doesn’t hurt; it doesn’t have to, because I’m the one who choose to be in this situation.