Now, how will you act on that?
You definitely feel happy when everything you want is happening. Where the road to your dream is straightening in front of your eyes but your dream is still sealed and you have no idea when will it be released as your possession.
Some might not like the uncertainty and just leave the dream unsealed and choose another pah to heir dream. Some might enjoy the ride and enjoying each view that the road has to offer. Don't really care if the dream will finally become unseal or not.
But me?
I never like to have uncertainty in my life. I hate unplanned things. But, yet again, I'm one of those people who chase their dreams. I love enjoying pleasant things like most people. Yes, sometimes those things ended up with bad things, but still, it makes me happy going through it. So, why should I be bothered but what other say.
I will enjoy the ride until it's no longer fun anymore, even if it means I have to see my dream shattered before my eyes.
I don't really have to worry because I know I still have plenty dreams to chase.
I have my dreams and I gladly go through each path of living it :)