I really thought that I gave my all in this so-called friendship. But, I guess what I've done was never really enough. I constantly feel left out and disappointed, knowing not what I've done wrong.It seems like I've done nothing right. Yes, not a single thing seems to be right since everytime I say my opinion, they will slash me off, chop me into small pieces and just step on all over me. One or twice might be funny, but constantly...? Underappreciated...
How come you don't feel left out when you used to be a harbor for everything and all of the sudden you are not anymore with no reasons explanation at all?I feel like I've tried to understand every being and forgot about me being hurt many times. But what I've got? A walk out. Disappointment.
Hardly anyone to hold on to when I thought I can count on them.I've tried to be the adult and maybe I've failed because I was not that strong enough to handle all of those emotional outburst and childishness that has been going on all the way.
They will never believe how I cried over this because, yes, it hurt that much since I put a real value in this whole thing. I've been betrayed, stabbed in the back. They might not really see it because I've tried to hard to hide it in order to have more understanding in every situation and personality given. I've tried to respect each and everyone. But, hey, if the outcome yield the same situation, why bother being what I've become?
I guess it's time to say goodbye...This whole thing is shizzling.
It's still a pleasure meeting them all and I appreciate every moment we used to have.A lesson well learned... :)