Thursday, December 04, 2008

That Stupid Bitch

Can't believe that you are actually that stupid? Why can't you think that stupid simple thing? Have a bit of initiative please... It won't hurt... I won't be here all the time, so... Come on learn to do things on your own...

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Yet Obvious

I have found my prince charming
But I don’t think that my prince charming has found me just yet

I have found my most beautiful butterfly
But I don’t think the most beautiful butterfly has found me

I am this obvious
And I made it obvious that I’m not invisible

Do you need me to make it that obvious
That I might hurt someone else, even you?

Just this

Today I found out that doing something with no heart at all is the most painful thing to do, when you are forced to do it without knowing the benefit for you or others whom you love the most.

Everyone Sees Me

Everyone sees me in some ways

As they wanted to see me

Some see my fun side

Some see my stubborn side

Some see my crazy side

Some see my poor side

They can see me as whoever they want me to be

They can treat me any way they want it to be


They cannot change me…

No matter how hard they try

I’ll stay the same

Until I realize and say that I need one…

Now you will say that I am selfish…

And you are very welcome to do so J

All Is Said and Done

The signs probably have been there for awhile now,
But I refused to see
I’ve been blinded by the sweet words
The kind that always make me down on my knees

And yet, I fall again
To the same place and time of blindfolding situation
In a blink of an eye and a snap of mu clumsily fingers that touches the breezy air around my naked soul
Playing happy go lucky might have been easy
But nowadays, it gets harder to play the part of being silly

Learn to let go might be the hardest lesson in life
But these days, it’s definitely harder to really letting go

All is said and done
Wonder if I’m willing to do it all over again

One Regret Led To Another

If I had to pick between you, you or you, I don’t know which one to choose. You have turned my life away the way that you might not know how far.
You, we spent some days together. My wall was still at its highest and strongest, blocked you away. You’re just way too perfect for me. You definitely deserve someone better. I wasn’t as grown up as I thought I was. Even now. Sometimes I think I might want you back in my life. But, I realize that it’s too late for that now. It might not be the best way anyway.
You, the one that I used to think as a brother of mine. I looked up to you, up till now, I listened to anything and everything that you said. I might even do it when you ask me to do bad things, which I believe you wouldn’t. You were there when I need you the most. You listened, you calmed my down. You eased my mind and brought the best of me like no one else could do before. I wonder would you still be there, be here for me tomorrow when there you were.
You… We started with me who wasn’t myself. Stupid me who was hiding behind that silly mask. I was hiding all my beauty behind the mask of clay. Would we be together if I were not wearing that mask? I believe we wouldn’t even know eachother if I didn’t. So call me stupidly selfish, but I don’t regret a thing I did, although I am not proud of it. I’m glad I knew you, I’m glad I got the best lesson of honesty, I’m glad I learned although in a hard way, I’m glad I could come out and throw that mask away at last. It’s a divine victory for me. I’m gladly relieved seeing us standing here, apart, in peace. After I hurt you, after I broke your heart.
This is better than I expected, although honestly, I still hope for more… I know I am blessed.

The easy that’s so uneasy

I am easy
I’m easily put my trust on people
And easily hurt afterwards
Yet uneasily to heal the hurt
I’m easily fall in love with someone
And easily hurt afterwards
Where it’s so uneasy to stop that particular someone

What Will I Got To Lose

What will I get to lose when I decide to love you?
When I don’t really have anything right now

They say love is not everything in this kind of world that we live in
But what will I get to lose when I decided to love you?
When I don’t really have anything right now

I don’t have anything right now but abundant of love to share with you
When you decide to love me and got nothing to lose
Since you don’t really have anything right now but abundant of love
To share with me…

Turtle Philosophy

A turtle can move anywhere

Sure it’s moving extremely slow

But it will be there

Sure there will be so many obstacles on the way

But it will be there


Because it has the shell that will protect it all the way


The morning breeze slips through a crack on my window

The birds whistle their sweetest song

The light of the sun gently embraces my skin

All completed with the simple loving smile from your lips