1. My first crush will be Jonathan Knight from New Kids On The Block (NKOTB), I think it was when I was in Kindergarten or so. Too soon? You bet!
2. My first Kindergarten crush… OMG, NONE!!! Why do me students have crush on eachother? Kids nowadays. My first real life crush would be my senior, Baskaries Ebrata, I wonder how’s he right now
3. My first English lesson, you might be right, it was NKOTB’s song lyrics, my cousin and my teenage neighbor (Ka Feni, where are you?) responsible for this ‘mess’ that later be my treasure. Love you guys. By the way, my cousin laughed like crazy when I show her the ‘new’ NKOTB. I still remember when Ka Feni asked me to translate their song, called, Tonight, since I didn’t know how to write yet, all I did was listening to the song, and from my hearing, they were saying “two night night”, so I translated them into “dua malam-malam.” It was a beautiful mistake up till now…
4. This one should make you no longer wonder why I remain NKOTB fan right now, when they seem to be too old to be called boyband, they should call them grampsband or papaband or something, my first CD, alond with videos (LaserDisc actually) were NKOTB H.I.T.S. and Concert. The CD stays, the LaserDisc’s GONE!!!
5. My first school performance was when I was in Kindergarten. Along with Anita Layerna (Tata), Meicyana (Memei), Lia, we danced through Mary’s Boy Child on Christmas performance with our red suit and tutu… We were too lovely too handle… :p
6. My first public solo performance was at FrontRow, Senayan, my friend’s, Milke, birthday. I was singing Christina Aguilera’s I Turn To You, live band, plus, a flower from Andrew, sweet! PS. It was not a private party, so there were other audience.
7. First romance and break-up was in Bali (all details will remain private). That’s why I really need to go back there to complete this unfinished healing of the pain that remain still in my heart.
8. First choir competition was when I was in Kindergarten, singing in the orange uniform of ours.
9. First role-play writing and directing, bet you don’t believe it, but I did, amateur, for school play. That was for my 6th grade graduation party. I’m proud with it, it was a comedy and they laughed through it, at least they seemed to enjoy it, as long as I can recall. My friends were the glowing actors.
10. First standing-by-celeb picture would be Bondan Prakoso with his single Si Lumba-Lumba. It was at Panggung Maksima, Dufan. I used to think that he was cute.
11. First fall from the bike, when I was riding my 4 wheeled bike. It was already 4 wheeled, but why did I fall after all? Maybe that’s why my mom always say that I cannot ride any bike, including motorbike.
12. First concert, Westlife at BEngkel. My friend, Dora faked her sickness to be put in first. Kian was awesomely gorgeous, people and I was so awesomely thirsty, I didn’t care about the boys but awesomely care about the water that they were drinking. By the way, my first showcase was Caught In The Act. HA!
13. First unconditional love… would be you.
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