Okay... What is good about it? I thought I won't feel one, since I have always been in the graduation ceremony since I enter the university. It becomes routinity for me since then. But no... Hell, I felt a little more sensation than I thought I would. I felt nervous when it was my facutly's turn to take the lead... I was nervous about whether my friends are gonna applaus for me and scream for me like they always did to my other friends that were graduated befor, cuz it shows how important I am to them... And I got it. I felt like crying but I couldn't, cuz I felt sooooooooo excited I couldn't cry. Hah... And not just the screaming at the end, I got presents, not just one, but more, and flowers, even from the one that I never thought will give me any present. Gosh... soooooooooooooooooooooo sweet. I love em all... My friends, my buddies, best friends, sisters, brothers... just all... I am blessed...All the people that I care about are here. almost... But, mostly yes. My Dad, Mom, Sister, fave aunts, cousins, nephews... all lovely. Even my closest friend and so called sister was here... still here actually, she spends time in my place now... Just lovely.
Oh, But I kinda hate my make-up... it made me look older...:( But it didn't matter... I HAD FUN. That's the main point, right??? hahahahaha.
There's a new thing to start... FIND A JOB... Tomorrow is a big day for me. It's either I'm in, or out... Hope I'm in, cuz I really want it... Gosh.. But whatever it is... I'm sure it's the best...
Well, till then...
I'm off...
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