Friday, December 31, 2010
2010 Flashback

Just Enough

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
A Little Prayer In The End

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Berjalan melintasi ruang dan waktu
Tanpa bersemayam dalam kenyataan
Esensi dari kegelisahan jiwa yang tak pernah tercerrmin
Disanalah kau menari bersama detik yg mengiringi langkahku
Fragmantasi kilasan-kilasan yang terserak
Adalah bagian demi bagian yang kau miliki
Untuk membangun apa yg ada di dirimu saat ini
Dan apabila fabel ini ada tertulis
Apakah itu nyata seperti angin semilir yg terasa di kulitku
Kata-kata yang tercipta
Adalah ungkapan dari gerakan yang ada di balik hati
Namun terlalu terbatas untuk bisa menggariskan apa yang ada
Saat mataku menatap batas dari langit dan bumi
Terkadang cukup tertera setitik adalah mencukupi.
Gejolak yang kau rasakan…
Milikmu seorang…
Dan aku disini hanya bisa menyaksikan..
Dan berkata perlahan,
“Biarkan itu mengalir dan menghkantarkanmu ke suatu titik
Yang ada dalam lingkaran kalbu dan berderit layaknya hari yang terus berjalan”
True Pain Comes From A Hidden Betrayal

Outburst Emotion

Memories Pt. 1

Sunday, December 05, 2010
Reflect Up

Awesomely Mean

Friday, November 26, 2010
Conversation Between My Conscience and Myself

Myself (M): Damn! I think this shiz has got the best of me.
Conscience(C): Well, why do you think so?
M: Maybe because it seems like I'm not myself these days.
C: Nope, I think you are yourself everyday.
M: No, I'm not.
C: Hey, I'm your conscience. I know you better than anyone else, even yourself.
M: How so? I know myself better than anyone else and God knows best.
C: Yes, but I am your conscience. I am yourself and your mind. I am you, inside out.
M: Really? So? You must be thinking I’m not myself lately as well, right? That shiz really got the ebst of me.
C: Actually, on the contrary. I don’t think that way at all.
M: What? How come?
C: Because, that one that you see, the person you feel, the one that you feel that you’re trapped into is none other than yourself. It’s you.
M: Oh, no no no no no no no! It’s not! No way in hell that this is myself.
C: It is you, dear. It’s the other side of you that you kept so well hidden until you forgot that it’s even exist. You deny that side of yours because you choose not to know it. It’s you. It’s part of you.
M: It can’t be.
C: The more you deny it, the harder it is for you to move on in your life. You will eventually find yourself drown in sadness, grieve, regret and other negative feelings that’s created by you!
M: Me? I never create negative feelings. Who wants to anyway?
C: You're right, no one wants to. But, like it or not, realize it or not, it's you who creates every feeling you are feeling throughout your life. So, your feeling is up to you. It's your choice.
M: Really? Are you sure?
C: Yes, for sure. Befriend with every little part and side of you and you shall be fine. Got to know them and easier you'll get by.
M: Will it be easy to do it?
C: Yes, but it takes a long time to make it perfect, but you need not to worry, you're on your way.

Blossom in every step of your way
To the land of expectation lighten by that brightest ray
Promises that goes with a sweet-sounded melody
Sang by the bird in lined on the canopy
Sway you into an island of make believe
Promises that blinded you with its beauty
Chained you with the prettiest smile
Devilish hidden well that no one even care to find out
Until it arises as uncontrollable anguish in whereabouts
Promises that bound you as a hopeful person
Words that grant you a shoulder to lean on
Disappear in time just like smoke that washes away by every tear you cry.
Bailing Me Off

You just have no idea what to do. Should you be sad because of the disappointment or just simply mad out of it. It's even worse when they lie for not bailing on you, while everything is obvious and lead you that way.
You no longer have someone that you trust, someone that you can count, someone that you can rely on, someone that always be there in times of need. Disappointing, isn't it?
Neither sad or mad are useful no more when everything has been done. There's no other way but moving forward for the way to retreat and moving back has been damaged by the severe betrayal from an angel.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
In Him I Surrender

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
I Refuse

Vanish at Every Softer Touch

Friday, October 15, 2010
It's His Decision in the End

A friend who sings along together to any songs that you have ever heard. A friend who dares to admit that you're a friend when you did something crazy. A friend that stands by you throughout your day, wherever you are and in anything you do. A friend who always says that you did good in a thing that you're worst at. A friend who pats you on your back when you're down. A friend who wipes your tears and your frown.
Nothing to do and cannot do nothing. Both kind of annoying. Fingers crossed. Hope only for the best.
Leave it all to You, dear Lord. You're the one who knows what's best for each and everyone of us.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Loves The Crescent Moon On The Sky Tonight

10/10/10 - My Version

Etiket 10/10/10 - Ali Wardhana

Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Area Unknown

I sense your doubt
I sense your worry
“I don’t know” seems to be coming handy
To get out from the trap
That’s been set from one mishap
You say those so-called magic words
And gone away the curiosity
Ghastly got into the curb
And back for some insanity
“I don’t know” seems to be the only answer
But that’s not what I seek to be better
I want some precision
Not just something from the area unknown
To My Little Ones

I’ll send you one brightest star
Please have and put it above and not too far
For it will shine you through each way
From darkness to the light you will sway
I’ll send you one greatest smile
Please cherish and put it in your heart
For it will brighten you up when you’re down
Think of me once will turn your frown
One day,
I hope you’ll be your own star
Stretch the distance and reach as far
Light your own way through each path of smaller bar
With your own self made treasure
Constant Regret

Everytime you come back and step into my life
You’re ripping my heart
Burn it until it takes time to heal
I guess I can’t really quite over you just yet
Someone that I thought too precious to hold my love
Someone that’s been nothing but a patient angel
That lights each way of my life
I still regret the day that I walked by on you
I still hate myself for not cherishing your unconditional love
One Once Said Pt. 5 - SweetestSin_ox edition

"The saddest thing is to look in someone's eyes & realize they'll never love you the way they did."
"Do you know the most surprising thing about heartache? It does not kill you. Like a bullet to the heart or a head on car wreck, it should. When someone you've promised to cherish forever says "I never loved you," it should kill you instantly. You should not have to sit there day after day after that just wondering how in the world that you didn't figure it out sooner than this."
"Sometimes you’ll find yourself smiling while missing someone at the same time. And if you really need him, fate won't let you lose him. Fate will bring him back. It may not be soon, but he'll come back."
Blossoming Smile

You make me melt
Everytime you look at me with that look
Your smile shines through your eyes
And it makes me shiver
Your laughter blossoms through your smile
And makes me wonder
How do you do that all at the same time?
Thrills me mad
Can’t really hold my ground when you are around
Can’t keep my eyes off of you
I surrender
In your arms I shall belong

Ketika hati diketuk
Insan berlari
Sehingga tak tahu kemana pergi
Insan tak peduli
Tak berpikir dengan nurani
Hanya naluri
Yang tertanam di sini
Mata tertutup
Dan enggan berjalan lurus
Tak terlihat lagi harapan
Tak ada lagi asa
Semua hilang terkikis hujan
Lenyap terbawa hembusan angin
Tenggelam ke dalam samudra terdalam nan gelap
Dan tiada kehidupan
Lekang waktu terhenti
Langkah kaki terhimpit
Goresan luka terpatri
Batas sandar terlewati