At the beginning of 2010, I claimed that this 2010 would be my year. But, has it?
The end of this year is coming and here I am. Reflecting back on what my goals are in this year. Didn't set too many goals since I was too afraid that I couldn't accomplish most of them.
- I struggled in escaping a hell hole.
It has been awhile I want to move from my old work place and go to the place I always wanted. The fight had been started last year to be won recently, that's why I call it struggle.
Too many reasons that made me want to just get out of that place, both personal and professional reasons.
And now, I got accepted to where I wanted and enjoy all the bittersweet moments I've been having. So many new experiences I had, the sweet ones, amazing ones, exciting ones, disappointing ones and shocking ones. All worth-waited experiences.
- Training time
Meet the "7 Lebay Ladies!!!" Nothing could be crazier than meeting up these 6 lebay ladies (7 with me) in the training. At first, as thought before, all just shied away. But it didn't take that long before each and everyone of us showed our so-called "lebayness." Ms. Kopaja who has unusually romantic husband, Ms. Bunga who constantly got bored and known for her symmetric flowers , the original Ms. Lebay with her authentic "aha!", Ms. Pais who was giving a constant diplomatic gray answers, a real experienced Ms. Teacher with her energetic aura, and last but not least, the bouncy one, Ms. Who-never-quite-there with the most mobility. It was a long fun exciting 2 months!!! Thanks to the trainers as well for bearing with us :)
- I was hoping to be in a band
But all I got (yet) is being in a (old) choir and (always) MC for events. Hmmm... It's way harder than I thought to find a band here. But, I think choir will do. It's a singing thing too. Next, MC... Well, won't put any further comment on this. Not really my thing, but the offer kept on coming...
- I still dream about spending my time in Bali, alone
This one still cannot be accomplished :( What made it so? The answer would be Kelly Clarkson!!! It was actually a blast. I enjoyed it very much. Went out to the concert with one of my best friends (and his ex), another friend and sang along to her song together with the rest of the audience. Plus, made some new friends. Not bad, right?
Didn't really regret the decision to go for the concert but it's just making a must-go-place a li'l longer.
- I got my Blackberry
Finally. I used to think that I don't need it that much, and actually I still do, but, it has more fun and I can write anytime I want :) Have to admit that it helps, eventually. Plus, most of people at my workplace use it. It makes the communication a bit easier. It has negative and positive side at the same time, just like everything.
By the way, did I put Crocs on the list??? :p
- Only one thing I have not accomplished :(
So many unpredictable things happened as well. Good and bad, happy and sad, prepared and unprepared, all came and gone.
- Meeting old friends
After around 14 years and meet up again. Kinda funny. Although I met them before (after that freaking 14 years) but I was still excited, despite the lunch fee and ended up not eating anything.
How fast we've grown and how swiftly time passed, those the things that were on my mind. But, memories stay. We still remember bits about our time in Elementary and laughed over them.
Some become good friends (again and meet the Pretty Little "Liars," everyone :p), some go to seeperate ways. Yes, it's amazing looking at how time can change everything. We form a different kind of personalities as we grow, we develop things that unseen, we explore the untouched area that we never thought we had. But certain things remain the same, sadly :(
- Bandung trip
That made no trip at all in the end, not even to 1 place that originally planned to be the very first place to be visited. It was because one person who constantly sleeping. It was still fun, though, hanging out, unprecedented and unanticipated jokes, playing cards, watching world cup in the car, the guys talked in riddles (as always), bla bla bla... Been called "Mama" by Andrew was as exciting as he saw every bus that passed by. But, he called me "Tante" already the last time we met. *sigh
It was the same day as my last day in Bandung, so it was quite emotional a bit. Tears were falling. Leaving the town where I have not a few of loved ones.
- Graduation Day
The time where the older children have to move to elementary was never been easy. It was even harder this year. As the kids were crying, the teachers drowned to their best emotions. Tears were everywhere but one cold-hearted person (that I don't think is necessary to be mentioned here.) Each child made the teachers proud and missing every little moments that's been had and experienced together. From the "keong-senel-snail-sifut-nanaonan" and "waterfall-germs" moments to "I love you, Miss Yiska."
It was the hardest part as I and some of my friends were parting as well. Lovely, isn't it??? *ironically correct :)
- My Mom's accident
She got burned, like, literally. That was one of the most unprepared situation that I've ever been. Totally shocked when I first found out. Scared and confused about what to do. But, with Lord blessing, I've managed :) And, by Christmas, she was way better than I expected. Thank You, Lord.
- People come and go
And this time, one went to the country that's been hated by most of the people in my country. Well, at least we had a short trip back to Bandung and met again with shoes in his hands :p
And, another one was my best friend who passed away. Still feel the loss up until now, cry everytime I think of her, miss her a lot :(
Can't believe that it will affect me this much. I cried when I first found out that she got the accident, in a coma, wouldn't be healed and other things. Tears flowed like a river. A non-stop crying.
Lucky, I got my girls, friends, and a (n.s, h.t.b.m.t.j --> by the time it was edited, I forgot what the letters stand for, sorry :p) best friend who stood beside me.
Things happened, things passed, all is done, all is well. Some relationships built but ended up need to be rebuild. Heart's got broken, mend, broke again. Things said and sealed, released and kept well hidden. No regret necessary. What's left is only the will to do things better in the coming year...
Happy New Year everyone. Sure, I'm very thankful of what I got this year and still believe for great things to come next year as Lord will always give His blessing toward us :)
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