Twas like got hit by thunder. The feeling was unbelievable. Anguish, scared, disappointment all mixed up into one, uncontrollably. Getting away was the easiest way out but failed to reach the end of it. All mad thoughts were rushing, attacking this mind with a lot of deadly ammunition called "what ifs."
It lasted longer than I thought it would. One seemed to be a never-ending torture. In pain was for sure. Holding on tightly to a thin branch that would be soon gone with the wind as it flew swiftly into thin air, careless towards the surrounding. Landed on a softer ground, but too stiff to hold it off. No more thing to grasp. Unreliable. None of any do.
So, I fell. Harder than I thought I would. No cushion prepared to smoother my landing. Hurt. I thought I was gonna cry out loud. I tried to scream and cry out loud. But no. Sure, my heart was beating way faster but I was finer than I thought I was. My tears didn't flood out.
I forgot one thing. I always ask Lord above to brave my soul. I think He just did and took care everything. He gave me just enough courage to get through this situation. It'll still be a long journey toward this thing, but I believe he wouldn't stop at all to give just enough things I need to be a fully loaded weapon I can use to fight in this life. Nothing's better than a just enough of everything.
With just enough, I'll get by :)
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