Some people probably think that I'm one of those kinds, the one that 'open to the world' kinda type because I could grumble about anything and come up as a very loud and spicy person at times (or most of time.) I just could not be a quiet person, although I've tried my hardest to be claimed one, but it never worked, ever. But I am not.
I don't keep that one tiny little secret. I keep tons of 'em. Not just mine, but others as well. I keep some things to myself and do not expose it to anyone. Including my feelings.
Yeah, I know, people keep saying that you have to let it all out to make yourself feel better. I do let out some of the emotions and feelings, but I choose which one and to whom I shall express them all. So, sorry if I don't directly barely express any bit of it to anyone out there.
Oh, wait... I don't think I should feel sorry about it. That's my choice and I have reasons for it. I hope people can respect that. Sometimes I wonder why do some people having problems respecting that when I believe that they are doing the exact same thing. Even long-time married couple or forever couple or best friends or even family. That small little tiny simple secret will exist. If you think I was wrong, well then, think again, fellas, dig deep!!!
I did not say that let-it-all-out way is bad, or telling everything they way it is will be good for any kind of relationships, but, don't you think choose wisely is needed? I mean, you don't go sharing WTF to children or giving bad comments to an easily-destructive person, aren't you? You don't go share your bestfriend's hatred towards your other bestfriends, right? Or do you? Don't you think about their feelings at all? Or have you chose to take risks? Don't you realize that even more people might be damaged by how you truly feel? Don't you ever think about what if it was concerning your loved ones that might get hurt to? Have you considered if they deserve it or not? You do, right?
Well, all I'm saying is don't you think it's better to keep some things to ourselves (even candy or gadget, you don't just go around and share them to anyone, especially kids or strangers, even closed ones, you know why.) And when it comes down to feelings, it'd be better for us to think twice or even more, to make sure that we hit the right target and with the right reasons so we can give them a fair consequences of what they did. We don't want to quick-judge people with our bare thoughts as we don't want to be quick-judged by others. Because this quick-judging thing comes from nothing but a blind-assumption that leads to a worse/worst-conclusion.
We have every tool to do better about these things. We have our ears to listen. Take time to listen so we know every reason behind every action (although some stupid things done without any reason). We have our eyes to see what actually happened. We have our hearts to feel what's right to be done. We have our brains to decide how it could wisely be done. We have our hands, feet and the rest of our bodies to act. Unless you don't have those or even worse, have it all full-functioned but refuse to use any of 'em.
So yeah, I think I made my point here. I'd rather keep some things to myself, including feelings and secrets, especially things about people I love the most. I definitely tried my best (since I haven't actually done these things perfectly, but I know I've done my best,) to not hurt anyone, especially my loved ones since I care about their feelings a lot.
PS. Plus, I kinda think that those people consider me as a celebrity since they wish to know every little thing I've done and how am I feeling toward others, especially my loved ones. I don't publish my charity or good things I've done to anyone. It is even written on the bible, Matthew 6:2 and Matthew 6:3, the book that you claim love to read. Or have you missed those parts? #justsayin D'oh!!!
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