Monday, October 16, 2006


What would you do if you don't feel confy being around someone but you must interact with that someone for some reason such as work? Plus, that someone is actually a friend of yours. Gosh!!! I don't wanna be called a rude girl who hate her friends and be rude to them. But, I really don't feel confy being around a friend of mine. He keeps doing something 'weird' to get our attention and it definitely bothering us. And there is another thing that bothers me even more, he keeps 'throwing' himself at me. I can't stand it now! I've had enough. Why didn't I tell him??? Because I don't want to have anything to do with him. I wanna keep my distance. At least, for now... until... i don't know... It's mean, I know, but... I need time... :(

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